So, the time had come. It was finally my turn to step up to the table and make my mark. The gentleman helping her told me to hand him my book. I did. Then, he ushered me to the table sitting in front of the dear Judge. She grabbed the book, looked at my name, and began to sign. As she was signing, my head kept screaming, “Say something! Say something!” But, for some reason, my mouth would NOT open! As she finished up her signature, she looked up at me and said, “Hi!” My heart did nothing but increase it’s already rapid rate. It was a second opportunity to me! I had to decide rather quickly to say something or my chance was going to slip by! Immediately, I opened my mouth to speak my script and all that I could muster was, “Hi!” The signing was over and I was ushered away from the table…
Hi?! That’s all I could get my mouth to form?! I couldn’t believe it! After developing such a well-thought out plan, I completely failed. I was so shocked afterwards. But, I knew exactly what prevented me from orating what I had previously planned to say to the Honorable Judge. It was… fear. Fear kept me from talking to her. Even though my mind kept yelling at me and my mouth opened, fear still kept the words that I planned to say inside. Fear… is crippling.
I want you to take three seconds to think about the first thing that you would do if fear never existed. What is the first thing you would do with all the passion, heart, and gusto you could muster if there was no such thing as fear? Would you skydive out of a plane? Would you tell that girl that you have been friends with for years that you are in love with her? Would you run for a political office in your town? Would you wear those red heels to an office that you have had tucked in your closet?
Fear is crippling and it can steal your hopes, dreams, and aspirations right from under your nose. You may have a well-thought out, detailed plan, but fear does not care. It is completely apathetic about how determined you may be about your goals. In fact, fear is out to destroy anything that you may try to accomplish in life. This can be from forgiving someone that has hurt you to applying for a promotion at your job. Take a look at yourself and ask, “How is fear holding me back from my destiny, from enjoying my life, or from reaching my full potential?” If it is holding you back, let it go. That’s right... let it go. As much as we would like to believe that fear has a grip on us, we actually are holding on to fear. The funny thing about fear is, when we let it go, it can’t do anything to us anymore… So, it’s up to you? Are you comfortable with fear? Are you okay with fear stealing your happiness, dreams, and life? Are you alright with fear controlling your every move? If so, hold on tight. If not, let it go. Just let fear go and move on.
I feel this is a very appropriate topic considering that Halloween is quickly approaching and fear will be used as a source of entertainment on the night of October 31st. This country thrives off of the scary movies created every year and the fear factor produced by our daily news... But, fear is no joke. It threatens your very existence and can take everything that you think you have.
I wish that someone had given me this pep talk before I walked up to Judge Hatchett…

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