1. I have an absurd and dreadful laugh. I mean it too. A lot of people know this already. But, no guy that I ever went on a date has seen me in action. I’m already a loud person, but this laugh is the icing on the cake! It is very, very loud and very, very obnoxious. There are no words to explain it. No words. The best way I can try to explain it is this… It seems to be a combination of a moose mating call, the scream of person on the scariest rollercoaster ever and the shriek of a startled chicken. Yeah, that explains it. Well, maybe… Just know that if something is truly funny to me, you will hear it because I don’t know how to stop it from busting out of my mouth.
2. I cannot dance. For some reason, when hip-hop music comes on, my body gets very confused. I tried the party-scene when I was in high school. But, I just looked a mess trying to dance like the other girls. And, my cousins used to just laugh at my insane club dances. I didn’t go often. So, when I did, I would try to combine all types of dances together to get it all out and I would dance the entire night. Then, I would leave sweaty and with a cramp in my side only to realize that none of my dances attracted any of the guys that I was interested in. (They probably thought I was crazy.)
3. I am a true Beyonce fan. And, by true, I mean that sometimes, I think that I am Beyonce. (Is that crazy? Noooo… can’t be!) Just to listen to her music, I have to put on my Beyonce outfit. This consists of… Wait. Never mind. Too authentic. I ain’t ready for all of that... All I can say is that she is a BEAST! Illuminati or not, the girl can sing and dance at the same time and NOT LOSE HER BREATH! This amazes the crap out of me! What I said in #2 is true. I can’t dance. But, when Beyonce comes on, ain’t no stopping me! (when I’m by myself, of course.) I’m in my room swinging my hair around and trying to keep the notes at the same time. Reality kicks in every now and then and I have to sit down to take a break. But, for the most part, I am BRIEonyce!
4. I hate to cry about life, but I’ve cried at almost every movie that I have seen. I mean it too. I abhor crying. I can deal with others crying, but I hate showing that kind of vulnerability in me. Ha! I’m a robot! My friends hate going to movies with me because they know that I will at least tear up. But once, when I cried over a guy, my own best friend didn’t know what to do because she had never experienced this type of cry before! (We laugh about it now… ) Oh! And, when I get the ugly cry at church (you know!), I try to face a wall or something! (Even though it is impossible sometimes…God just be putting my business out there! Lol!) Pray for me, saints! Lol…
It’s crazy because we honestly think that creating a “new self” is smarter than just being yourself. But, in all actuality, it is easier to just be you. Just be you because you are enough!
Let's get interactive here... Feeling like you too want to get some stuff out? Wanna take some steps back to authenticity? Leave a comment on this blog site. Tell me one thing that others may not know about you.
Go girl! Sang!!!

UGH! What is wrong with you!!? Im over here cracking up at 2:22am at God just be putting my business out there! lol
ReplyDeleteOH! and We def. going to the CLUB now! I have to see this for myself. No worries I will personally give you a KEEP IT SIMPLE dance lesson!
Brie, I'm over here at work trying to stifle my laughter - possibly similar to the one you described (which absolutely KILT me cuz I think I've heard that laugh!) lol. And BRIEyonce??? Really???? aaaahahaha! You're awesome!